Schedule | 日程安排
10:00 am--12:00 pm: Online Test
10:00 am--16:00 pm: Conference Check-in and Materials Collection
09:30 am--09:35 am: Welcome Speech
09:35 am--09:40 am: Opening Remark
09:40 am--10:20 am: Keynote Speeche I-New and Emerging Directions in
Antennas for Mobile Communications
10:20 am--10:50 am: Group Photo and Coffee Break
10:50 am--11:30 am: Keynote Speeche II-Opportunities for Visual Computing
when Machines Become Ultimate Users of Signals
11:30 am--11:55 am: Invited Speech I-Information & Microservice-Centric
Networking as a Future Computing
11:55 am--01:30 pm: Lunch Break Time
01:30 pm--01:55 pm: Invited Speech II-RIS-Assisted Coded Cooperation Wireless
Communications Based on Polar / LDPC
Codes with
Finite Code Length
02:00 pm--03:45 pm: Oral Presentation I & II
05:45 pm--04:15 pm: Coffee Break
04:15 pm--05:45 pm: Oral Presentation III & IV
06:00 pm--08:00 pm: Dinner Time
09:10 am--09:35 am: Invited Speech III-Extended Reality Technology
09:35 am--10:00 am: Invited Speech IV-Robustness Analysis and
Implementation in Event-driven Cyber-physical Systems
10:00 am--10:15 am: Break Time
10:15 am--12:15 pm: Online Session I
12:15 pm--01:30 pm: Lunch Break Time
01:30 pm--01:55 pm: Invited Speech V-Privacy-Preserving Urban Traffic
02:00 pm--04:00 pm: Online Session II
Note: A more detailed conference program will be sent to you by email around half a month before the conference. And the actual time schedule may a little different based on the participants' number.
Oral Presentation Guide | 口头报告注意事项:
Duration of each presentation: about 15 minutes of presentation including Q&A.
You can use USB flash drive, make sure you scanned viruses in your own computer. Each speaker is required to meet her/his session chair in the corresponding session rooms 10 minutes before the session starts and copy the slide file(PPT or PDF) to the conference computer.
You are suggested to email your copy of presentation file to your personal inbox as a backup. In case, the flash drive cannot be used in the conference site